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时间:2024-10-23 14:40来源:访问量:

   娄东街道隶属江苏省太仓市,地处太仓市主城区。行政区域面积25.02平方公里,实际管辖区域面积46.2平方公里,户籍人口11.21万人,常住人口16.81万人,管理11个城市社区和8个涉农社区。按照 “高新区统筹、区街分工协作”的原则,主要负责社会管理和民生服务工作,先后获评“苏州市先锋街道”“苏州市信访工作先进集体”“苏州市公共法律服务均等化工作先进集体”等荣誉称号。

   Loudong Subdistrict belongs to Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, located in the main urban area of Taicang City. The administrative area is 25.02 square kilometers, the actual jurisdiction area is 46.20 square kilometers, the registered population is 112,100, the permanent population is 168,100, the management of 11 urban communities and 8 agriculture-related communities. In accordance with the principle of "overall planning of high-tech zones and division of labor and cooperation between districts and streets", Loudong Subdistrict is mainly responsible for social management and livelihood services, and has been awarded the honorary titles of "Suzhou Pioneer Street","Suzhou Advanced Collective in Petition work" and "Suzhou Advanced Collective in Public Legal Service equalization Work".

