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时间:2024-10-23 14:25来源:访问量:

    沙溪镇位于太仓市的中北部,是中国新舞蹈艺术奠基人吴晓邦的故乡,中国历史文化名镇。镇总面积132.4平方公里,东与港区相连,西与昆山接壤,南与城厢镇毗邻,北接常熟。辖20个行政村、8个社区居委会,户籍人口约8.6万人,常住人口约13.6万人。生物医药产业园、台资科技创新产业园、新材料产业园三大新兴产业园初具规模。古镇保护与开发稳步推进,成功入选 “中国世界文化遗产预备名单”,获评国家4A级旅游景区。沙溪先后荣获“中国人居环境范例奖”、“全国特色景观旅游名镇”、“江苏省经济发达镇行政管理体制改革试点镇”、“江苏省文明镇”等荣誉称号。
    Located in the middle and northern parts of Taicang, Shaxi Town was home of Wu Xiaobang, who is the founder of New Art of Dance of China, and also a famous historic and cultural town of China. Covering an area of 132.4 square kilometers, the town borders the port area on the east, Kunshan on the west, Chengxiang Town on the south and Changshu on the north. It consists of 20 administrative villages and 8 neighborhood committees with a registered population of about 86,000 and permanent population of about 136,000. The Bio-medicine Industrial Park, the Taiwan-funded Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park and the Shaxi Town New Materials Industrial Park, which are three major parks for emerging industries, have taken initial shape. The protection and development of the ancient town are in stable progress. The ancient town has been added to China’s Tentative List of the World Cultural Heritage and designated as a National Grade 4A tourist destination. Shaxi has won many awards and titles, including China Habitat Environment Example Prize, National Famous Tourism Towns with Special Views, the Pilot Town for Administrative System Reform of Developed Towns of Jiangsu Province, and Culturally Advanced Town of Jiangsu Province.

